Monday, March 16, 2009

where to eat in the A-Tx...BBQ!!

Top 11...because sometimes 10 ain't enough...

(in no particular order)

Iron Works
Salt Lick
County Line
Lewis's BBQ
Artz Ribz...

google 'em...enjoy...


AD in the ATX said...

Hi AD,
First of all, thanks for sending me the information about what's happening and where to go to enjoy the SXSW festivities in A-TX. As always, you have your fingers on the pulse of our wonderful city. I also enjoyed your website/blog (hook-em!) and your picks for the top 10 places to eat breakfast tacos, BBQ, and Burgers etc.

But.... You limited the Best Burger's in Town to only 10. That seems fair enough. Texadelphia is really a sub-shop, and is not widely acclaimed as a "Burger Joint". And while What-A-Burger is open 24 hours a day and they do make a great burger; they are also a "chain" and not exactly A-TX "weird" or unique. So, I would submit that you might want to consider "fine tuning" your Top Ten Burger Joint list by substituting:

P. Terry's Burgers on S Lamar @ Barton Springs in what used to be a Short-Stop building back in the day.

Mighty Fine Burgers & Shakes, now with two Austin and 1 Round Rock locations.

Making those adjustments to the list would still give the readers 10 great and Austin original recommendations to choose from. Just a thought.

I tried to post my comments right from your website..... but I've never done that before. I wrote my comments, but was thwarted when I couldn't decipher the necessary URL instructions required to actually "post" my comments. What can I say? I'm OLD!

So, I did the next best thing I still know how to do, and replied to your thoughtful and informational email.
David M. Hearn, Agent
State Farm Insurance Companies

AD in the ATX said...

Try the burgers at Texadelphia...they are pretty good...and what can I say I have a Whataburger 2 minutes from my house, so I guess I am just so used to them!? P. Terry's and Mighty Fine are hereby added!!
We'll make it the top 13 for burgers!!